





The Conference Fee of $A900 will be used to cover attendance at the sessions, morning and afternoon teas, lunches, Cocktail Party, Conference Gala Banquet and Excursion. It will also include the possibility of publishing one research contribution in the Conference publication (subject to acceptance by the referees).

Potential participants are fully responsible for making their travel and accommodation arrangements, and should note that the WIETE will not take any responsibility or be held accountable for any cancellation of accommodation and travel tickets due to any unforeseen events that may cause the Conference to be cancelled, postponed or transferred to another location. The WIETE accepts no responsibility whatsoever for their direct dealings with the hotels and/or any other organisations. It is highly advisable that potential participants should avoid purchasing non-refundable flight tickets.

Last updated: 31 January 2011 - Website designed and maintained by Dianne Nguyen